So as I when to Walmart I was yet again following by Villery st residence at which videos where made.also shane and stephens H Mom I don't know any of them other than her and that's only because she has stalked me so much,then Mike this was as a fight broke out in Walmart at around 645pm, I seen 2 couples I know stalk me and 2 individuals,Now this is after they continually passed my house all day making the block over and over!why what do they stand to gain,other than maybe trying to intimidate me well it's not working it only pushing me to go the extra mile as I'm going today to the police again so far that have been no help.!AktDf7s7NXvuhYc8ZYZS2xWDx6jWHQ
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I am an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacking Certified business. I have a program that can give you intelligence on them plate numbers and names help. I have had 335,000 crimes committed on me for 5 years. I better. I want to pay my learning forward