Currently a targeted individual. Any advice, I would be greatful. I currently live day to day being harassed by countless amounts of people. Recently moved to a new city to go to school. The apartment I moved into, the neighbor upstairs is trying to gaslight me and various other things on day to day basis by stomping his floors. A big reaction of these people have been banging on walls or things. Even back in my hometown, I came back to find out these people moved in next door. But it started at my other university that I had to leave because I was freaking out about all these people yelling or whispering things at me like "get out", "thats him", "leave", "run" or simply "go". They were leaving feathers around areas or places that I frequently went to like the gym or my storage unit. So I take the semester off to go back home and find out that these people are literally going into my back yard in the middle of the night and leaving feathers, which is completely abnormal. So upon moving to this new city I find out my neighbor has to be one of them. It sounds crazy but they are either using technology to read my mind or they are legitimately telepathic. Because even if I thought a certain way this person would slam on the floors. I couldn't even watch porn without them slamming the floor. And I was making no sound at all. So now they have followed me to my new school as well. I suspect that some of them are even in my classes. As when I walk into the classroom I heard one murmur "thats him". Any time Im in the library, I hear them in distant areas of the library. I will be typing on my computer and sometimes I will pause to think of what to write next and someone off in the distance will say "get out" or "go". I'm not sure if they are trying to mess with my concentration or what ever. And yesterday at 1am people were down the street shouting and laughing when I pulled up porn on my phone. Just today people sat in a group outside the balcony of my apartment and just started chatting. They started saying various provocative things that I'm sure knew would provoke an emotional response. As part of my back story, I used to be very vocal about genetic engineering in our food system. But I slowly stopped discussing these issues because they basically ruined my life and destroyed my reputation. Prior to that they were gaslighting me with documentaries and I think even following me around in Whole Foods and making subtle cues to not to buy certain things (GMOs). I'm just very tired of all of this, I want my life back, I want them to leave me alone. Any advice would be great. Not many people believe me that this is occurring. But i'm 100% certain. Is there any type of group that monitors these people? Because I can point out all these people
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Get a body cam. Wear 24/7. Doesn't stop them completely but does slow them down & not so physical intimidation. A cheap 1 will do. There just as good. Hope this helps x