I stand here fearless and choose not to hide in silence
not sure where to begin but, in December 2019 i was enjoying my life as any other 23 year old would... single, living alone, doing as i please. i remember it being a friday after work, i put on that rap battle movie "Bodied" (didnt finish it, it was a great watch though)...at some point i took a break and went outside to let my dogs out and spark a joint. i lived in a 5-trailer lot, only one way in, one way out @812 n 20th ave yakima, wa 98902 .. you can look on google maps as i describe what happens next.. anyways im on the drive way puffing away(im on trailer 4), scrolling through my phone and i noticed a oddly parked pick-up truck (like a f-150 or tundra) at the end of the drive way, sort of blocking it... and behind that on the actual road (20th ave) was another one creeping back and forth... i was pretending not to notice anything and so i start walking back towards my trailer only to see another similar pick-up truck parked on willow st. directly in line with my back yard as i indicated on the picture.. yes, i panicked and banged on my neighbors trailer asking for help, without seeing what was going on he started calling me crazy, saying that im "out of it" and this motherfucker literally walked all the way down the driveway to the pick up and started talking to him.. i panicked dialed 9-1-1.. i told them i though i was being stalked and that i felt in danger...they kept asking for my information after i had given my address and told them whats going on. i was told to go inside but i told them i would wait for the officer outside.. the trucks started to leave and the neighbor walked back telling me "it just the neighbors van".. in my head im thinking.. "what van????" as i was on the phone, the call lasted less than a minute before the phone just magically SHUT OFF!!! i heard the operators voice slowly go into a low tone and vanish like any other frequency...i managed to get the phone on right away and seen that my wifi wasnt showing up at all, that was gone too. then i look up and see a newer ford Taurus police cruiser pull up and the only thing im thinking is there's no way that cop showed up that fast not unless it some sort of set up!...it hand even been two minutes since i made the call.. i got a gut feeling like the cop was on standby around the corner or somewhere nearby.. anyways im outside and this cop is just shinning his bright ass lights up at me. i raise my hands up and im calling "hello?", "im the one who called", "you just passed the guys at the entrance"....i get ZERO response. all i see is a red laser-like light through the windshield and im thinking "fuck, imma get shot". so out of fear i ran, with complete disregard of my doggies..i ran towards the back of my trailer hopped the fence in to the neighboring house's back yard (big rectangle chunck on the picture)... it stretcher along side the trailer court i was in. so im walking the neighbors back yard going up towards 20th ave, i wanted to go from there..im looking back over through the fence and see that the cop isnt even chasing me at all, instead he slowly and casualy backs up out of the driveway... as i approach the backside of the neighbors house 3 men all in black hoddies rushed out of the house, my heart just dropped, i couldnt breath and i fell to the floor in great fear and disbelief.. something straight out of scary movie is how it felt. by the grace of god i stayed in the game... i took a deep breath, didnt look back and ran the opposite direction thinking i might get shot in the back, tased, something.. you know? i hop the fence leading to the self storage area and improvised from there...i took my out, chucked the battery and tossed the phone as well. as im doing that all you hear is car engines roaring and screeching through the streets.. some real scary shit i hope none else goes through. i only had my id and debit card stuffed in my sock. the whole time im trying to figure out where to go so i can be safe for the night...keep in mind i never had or made any enemies, no gangs or bad crowds.. so who could be doing this? you can decide. i left a bunch of details out but we can talk that over if you can get a hold of me.. any questions heres my email: yanez0526@gmail.com
Photo key:
Green=my approximate movements
Red circles= trucks(x3)
Red dots= Black hoodie guys (x3)
it's not the best but i hope it helps

could use some donations if anyone is able to help, it will be greatly appreciated
my cash app is $yanezdreams