So there is so much to say I've been being gabgstalked for a few years but just started paying attention last year and I don't know if it's a government agency or secret organization but whoever they are it's to apparent and completely obvious to me that there messing with me they seem to have an immense budget because the amount of people they have in on it is ridiculous and frankly overwhelming they have control over my cell phones and laptops and have manipulated family and friends and some of the things that I noticed are for one every time I go anywhere there's always a car following me but they think there slick and switch off so it would appear that I'm not being followed but I literally never have a moment on the road that there isn't a car with me and I drive often all hours of the day and night and when I feel like verifying that they are following me I'll abruptly get off the freeway last minute and these idiots will literally cut across 3 lanes to get off behind me and I've done this daily for a week straight to have it happen every time now I can maybe understand it happing once or twice but not 2 times a day for 7 days straight that shit is to obvious and there is so much more stuff I can tell you but I don't even know if there going to let this be seen and chances are they will be the ones to reply so if your interested in hearing more about my circumstances let me know just also know they have ruined a 15 year relationship with my now ex wife and have made it impossible to get work and are pushing me harder and harder and I will get to the bottom of this and settle
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