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Many people are claiming that monoatomic gold, also known as monatomic gold or white powder gold, holds the key to health, energy, and longevity, but is monoatomic gold even real?

According to some archaeologists and scientists, this exotic white powder gold is real and was used by certain ruling class of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and secret societies for esoteric rituals, and to increase vitality and longevity. Many researchers of occultism believe that monoatomic gold is still being used for esoteric rituals by secret societies of today.

What is Monoatomic Gold?

Monoatomic elements, such as monoatomic gold, are made of single atoms not bound to one another. One strange and exotic property of monatomic gold is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes very light, even to the point where it produces antigravity properties. For this reason, understanding how monatomic gold works may hold some of the keys to unlocking the secrets of antigravity and superluminal technology.

The center of the periodic chart of elements consists of what are known as the “transition elements,” meaning that they can transit from metallic to monatomic or diatomic via chemical treatment or through other means (what some would refer to as “shadow chemistry” or “arcane chemistry” or even “alchemy”). Take gold for example. When you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will have metallic properties, but if you have only one atom, it will then have ceramic properties, which means that it becomes chemically inert but at the same time will have superconductive capabilities even at room temperature. The weight of these amazing materials can also change by heating, becoming lighter, even to the point of levitation. Because it is chemically inert, it can be ingested for health, wellbeing and super-energizing at the cellular level.

Conventional science is aware of six phases of matter, which are gas, liquid, solid, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), and liquid crystal. What conventional science isn’t aware of yet or doesn’t want to accept are monatomic elements. These monatomic elements are only a few examples of many other phases of matter that are yet to be discovered.

Monatomic elements are sometimes refer to as ORME (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements). According to Jim Marrs, ORME actually means the “Tree of Life” in Hebrew. This could be why some people like to associate monatomic gold or white powder gold with immortality.

The Relationship Between Microclusters and Monatomic Elements

In the late 1980s, some nuclear physicists discovered that the atoms of certain elements were arranged in microclusters. These microclusters are very tiny groups of atoms, ranging from two to several hundred atoms.

In certain metals, when a specific number of atoms is present in a microcluster, the atoms will rearrange themselves into a lattice structure with metallic properties. However, if fewer than that critical number of atoms is present, the microcluster will disaggregate into monatomic atoms with ceramic properties. These microclusters can also be detected in water.

Since monatomic elements have atoms that aren’t arranged in a rigid lattice pattern, their physical characteristics are quite different from elements with atoms that are arranged in a rigid lattice network. In other words, the physical characteristic of an element isn’t only determine by the number of neutrons and protons, but also its microcluster or grouping of atoms.

For example, in a metallic element, if there isn’t a lattice network present, there is no physical metal, even if its atoms are identical to a metallic element with a lattice network. This example shows that the determining factors of the characteristics of matter aren’t limited to the numbers of neutrons and protons in atoms.

According to scientists, the critical number of atoms for gold is two and the critical number of atoms for rhodium is nine. The significance of this critical number is that when there are two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, the gold will exhibit metallic characteristics. In rhodium, when there are nine or fewer atoms in a microcluster, the atoms will disaggregate to become a group of monatomic atoms.

Scientists believe that the valence electrons of monatomic elements are unavailable for chemical reactions and thus monatomic atoms are chemically inert. As a result, it is currently impossible to use standard analytical chemistry techniques to study and identify properties of monatomic atoms. This is why monatomic elements have remained hidden for so long.

With our current technology, the best way to detect a monatomic element is to first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state, allowing it to be detected with conventional scientific instruments.


The Health Effects of Monoatomic Gold

Monoatomic gold displays physical characteristics that are very different than its metallic form, which are still being studied by certain physicists; therefore, many of the properties of monatomic gold are still unknown to the public. However, some scientists have claimed that this white powder gold has a fluorescent-like glow and superconductive properties. Its superconductive properties are some of the reasons why it has the power of levitation.

According to some historians, the Sumerians and Egyptians believed that white powder gold could encourage spiritual transformation, and increase energy and longevity, because of its exotic healing effects on the body, brain, and pineal gland. Certain scientists have also found that monoatomic gold has very strange and mystical properties, because they believe it can help alter time and space. Could this be why monatomic elements are used in superconductors?

Some monoatomic gold experts have made the claim that when monoatomic gold is consumed or injected into the body, it can increase the current functional capacity of the nervous system by ten thousand times. If this is accurate, consuming monoatomic gold would allow the systems of the body to operate a lot faster. It is like turning the body from a regular computer into a supercomputer.

Some monoatomic gold experts even suggested that white powder gold is needed to allow the body to travel to other dimensions. They also suggested that it has amazing healing properties due to its ability to raise the frequency of cells, allowing them to carry large amounts of light energy.

Monoatomic Gold Supplements

There are many monoatomic gold supplements on the market. Two of them that have good reviews areEnerGold Monoatomic Gold and FourRealms Monatomic Gold. Avoid buying the cheap monoatomic gold supplements, because they are low quality and often do not work as well as they claim.

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