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About Natural Health

Any Disease Can Be Healed



Modern medicine has been made into a god by a population of people who look to the doctors and pharmaceutical companies to save them. The rate of deaths from error at the hands of the medical establishment is equal to destroying six jumbo jets full of people every day! In 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that throughout the decade of the 1990's, a total of 225,000 Americans died each year as a result of medical treatments. Consider this is without even taking into account the fact that these figures are lower than actuality, since many errors go unreported or untracked. And these numbers represent deaths only. An estimated 1.3 million Americans are injured each year due to medical prescription errors.


Here, for example, are some God-given NATURAL CURES that the medical establishment doesn't want you to know about.

*VITAMIN B-17, or laetrile is a substance that was discovered in apricot seeds. When people with cancer, sometimes in the advanced stages, went on laetrile or B-17 therapy, the results were amazing. The vast majority showed significant improvement. Many were completely healed. All without the need for expensive drugs or surgery. What do you think the reaction of the medical establishment was? Certainly not one of joy that a cure for a terrible disease had been found. They reacted with outrage. They villified the people who were promoting this cure. They then forced the U.S. government to make laetrile, and vitamin B-17 illegal. Confuse people. Keep them in the dark. And outlaw anything that offers real hope for a real cure. This is how the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies maintain their source of revenue. They get rich off your ignorance, sickness, and death. To the medical establishment, a patient is a profit center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not support the claims of the medical industry. Conventional treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal. For more information on B-17, visit



Heal Yourself!

Heal Yourself With Your Mind!

Not only can you heal yourself with the natural elements of the earth God gave us but you can also heal yourself with your mind, Here are a few video's that will really change how you see life and health.

I Cured My Cancer Cannabis Oil

Heal All Cancer With This Diet

Monoatomic Gold

Herbal Medicine

  • Cannabis Oil

  • Turmeric

  • Raw Food Diet

  • Baking Soda

  • Mind State

  • More oxygen (Exercise)

  • Coconut Oil

  • Jucied Veggies

  • All Greens

  • Monoatomic Gold


GINGER: For centuries, people around the world have turned to ginger as a cure for various ailments. In various studies, ginger has been shown to be highly effective in preventing, and curing, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and a variety of other illnesses. For example, the blood clots that trigger heart attack dissolve when exposed to ginger. Ginger interferes with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. Ginger has been shown to inhibit tumor promotion in mouse skin. Ginger can also kill ovarian cancer cells researchers have discovered. It causes the cancer cells to digest themselves. It also induces cell death in leukemia cells, can prevent the development of colon cancer cells, protects against radiation induced lethality and acts as a blood thinner.

Ginger has an extremely high level of phytochemicals, plant substances with a healing effect. In addition to it's beneficial effects on the heart and it's anti-cancer activity are it's anti-inflammatory effects and its high content of anti-oxidants. The healing ingredients are a variety of volatile essential oils, vitamin B6 and C, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus and potassium. Ginger stimulates body heat. It speeds up the bloodcirculation and sweating. Ginger will stimulate fever in people who need to sweat out diseases like colds and flues, Lyme disease and more. It works as an anti-inflammatory, and in combination with the heat-stimulating characteristics it is a powerful tool in fighting arthritis. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, treat yourself with hot baths, and regular doses of ginger. The heat will help kill the bacteria along with ginger's powerful healing properties.

*GARLIC: People are now becoming aware of it's potency against cancer, heart disease and more. Sulfides, which are found in High consumption of garlic decreases the risk of colorectal cancer nearly 50%. Also, based on four studies the risk of developing stomach cancer was cut in half for those who consumed the most garlic. Also garlic is good for your heart by lowering total cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic has the ability to combat plaque formation in the arteries. It's ability to lower serum cholesterol in the blood can in turn reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic lowers cholesterol, and triglycerides. Garlic can not only prevent, but also reverse heart disease.

Garlic is good for virtually any disease or infection. It prevents and heals arthritis, asthma, circulatory problems, colds and flu, digestive disorders, insomnia, liver disease, sinusitis, and ulcers. It has been used since the days of the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumors, and intestinal parasites. Garlic's reputation as a powerful medical herb dates back over 5,000 years. Garlic is a natural potent antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal herb. Garlic is one of natures most broad spectrumed, antibacterial agents. It counteracts the growth of many forms of bacteria and fungi that cause disease. Allicin, the compound found in fresh garlic that constitutes antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, kills or at least cripples 72 infectious forms of bacteria. It is a surprisingly effective weapon against some of the most dangerous antibiotic - resistant bacteria. A simple solution such as fresh garlic and a natural healthy diet is what people need. But the medical establishment can't get rich from that, so they hide the truth from the people who need it most. Natural remedies such as garlic and ginger are being ignored, while poisonous over the counter drugs and antibiotics are being promoted by the FDA.


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